Category Archives: Battlestation
I have been working since last summer on compacting my main pc from a full sized TJ07 to a mini-itx Ncase M1 case and finaly stage 1 is complete. It’s a thight fit, but I definately worth the hours put into it.[PiwigoPress id=457 url=’’ size=’me’ desc=1 class=’img-shadow’ opntype=’_blank’ order=’undefined’] Next stage will be to fully watercool both CPU and GPU again like it was in the TJ07, can feel the gray hairs sneaking up on me allready. Specs: Case: Ncase M1 v2.0. Motherboard: ASUS Maximus VII Impact. CPU: Intel Core i7-4790k. RAM: 16GB (2x 8GB Corsair Vengeance Pro DDR3-2400 Red). GPU: EVGA Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 something something (I forgot the rest). Storage: 256GB Samsung SSD 830 (OS). Storage: 512GB Samsung SSD 830 (VMs). Storage: 512GB Crucial MX100 (Games). Storage: 2TB Hitachi Deskstar 7200rpm (Storage dump). PSU: Silverstone SX600-G v1.1 (had a v1.0 first that died after a few weeks…) […]