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Flashing Quanta / DCS C1100 servers… I was beginning to get fed up with all the issues with the ancient BIOS and BMC firmware on my C1100/CS24-TY/QSSC-S99K’s the other day. These being of the custom type (Quanta / DCS rebrand) it has turned out to be a hard finding BIOS and BMC firmware that will flash, but I finally came across a solution that worked for me.

Just a random post… I think I need to re-organize my “server” room soon…

This old FSP350-60PN psu at just 350 watt has been powering my test server for years and still lives. It has proven capable of keeping my Intel Xeon X3220 stable with up to 15 Harddrives and their controllers hooked on, even on full load. Stripping it the box for a complete cleanup and overhaul now and probably replace the psu so it can retire with it’s pride intact.

  Server Upgrade Pimped the server a little this christmas… 🙂 From this: To this: