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Got a bit bored and decided to secure $HOME on my ultrabook since I bring it with me everywhere so I encrypted it. Was ALOT easier than I thought it’d be, even tho the Arch Wiki eCryptFS article did seem a bit frightening and complex. Luckily I found enough info from articles linked in that article and on google to make it go just about 100% painless 🙂 Here is what I sourced for info/guidance: Arch Wiki: eCryptFS anrxc blog/article: eCryptFS $HOME Makeuseof: How To Encrypt Your Home Folder After Ubuntu Installation [Linux] I couldn’t focus my brain enough to write the procedure down here and these should suffice for others too 🙂 The procedures should be about the same for most distros, tho package names and file locations might differ slightly. (I did it on my Arch install with info based on both Arch and Ubuntu) Now I got […]