Flashing Quanta / DCS C1100 servers… I was beginning to get fed up with all the issues with the ancient BIOS and BMC firmware on my C1100/CS24-TY/QSSC-S99K’s the other day. These being of the custom type (Quanta / DCS rebrand) it has turned out to be a hard finding BIOS and BMC firmware that will flash, but I finally came across a solution that worked for me.

I have been working since last summer on compacting my main pc from a full sized TJ07 to a mini-itx Ncase M1 case and finaly stage 1 is complete. It’s a thight fit, but I definately worth the hours put into it.[PiwigoPress id=457 url=’https://img.skartland.net/’ size=’me’ desc=1 class=’img-shadow’ opntype=’_blank’ order=’undefined’] Next stage will be to fully watercool both CPU and GPU again like it was in the TJ07, can feel the gray hairs sneaking up on me allready. Specs: Case: Ncase M1 v2.0. Motherboard: ASUS Maximus VII Impact. CPU: Intel Core i7-4790k. RAM: 16GB (2x 8GB Corsair Vengeance Pro DDR3-2400 Red). GPU: EVGA Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 something something (I forgot the rest). Storage: 256GB Samsung SSD 830 (OS). Storage: 512GB Samsung SSD 830 (VMs). Storage: 512GB Crucial MX100 (Games). Storage: 2TB Hitachi Deskstar 7200rpm (Storage dump). PSU: Silverstone SX600-G v1.1 (had a v1.0 first that died after a few weeks…) […]

Getting that pesky 3D acceleration error/warning when you try running your VMs in VMware Workstation / Player on Linux but all your other 3D apps/games work fine? This issue was giving me gray hairs the past few months after suddenly appearing when I did a random system update (pacman -Syu , yes I know it’s stupid to blindly update on Arch but still…), could not find anything related to the problem on Arch forums or anywhere else, except for several years old forum threads leading to nothing that would fix my problems (believe me I tried a lot of them), until I for some reason stumbled upon this info and fix that I had not found earlier 😀 (I suppose my google-fu is getting rusty) For some reason it seems VMware blacklists the Mesa drivers, so especially everyone running a laptop with Optimus graphics (using Bumblebee with optirun / primusrun) […]

Just a random post… I think I need to re-organize my “server” room soon…

Funny sounds from my little sister’s hdd…  

Got a bit bored and decided to secure $HOME on my ultrabook since I bring it with me everywhere so I encrypted it. Was ALOT easier than I thought it’d be, even tho the Arch Wiki eCryptFS article did seem a bit frightening and complex. Luckily I found enough info from articles linked in that article and on google to make it go just about 100% painless 🙂 Here is what I sourced for info/guidance: Arch Wiki: eCryptFS anrxc blog/article: eCryptFS $HOME Makeuseof: How To Encrypt Your Home Folder After Ubuntu Installation [Linux] I couldn’t focus my brain enough to write the procedure down here and these should suffice for others too 🙂 The procedures should be about the same for most distros, tho package names and file locations might differ slightly. (I did it on my Arch install with info based on both Arch and Ubuntu) Now I got […]

This old FSP350-60PN psu at just 350 watt has been powering my test server for years and still lives. It has proven capable of keeping my Intel Xeon X3220 stable with up to 15 Harddrives and their controllers hooked on, even on full load. Stripping it the box for a complete cleanup and overhaul now and probably replace the psu so it can retire with it’s pride intact.

Just a shot of my battlestation at work 🙂

The workshop restoration is almost complete, looking way better than before the flooding. 😀